So many organizations offering webinars as one of their communications/marketing channel to prospects are reporting to us their declining registration counts.  At the end of the day, despite their implementation of email invitation best practices, surveys about what topics would be of greatest interest for them to present, and the reminder capabilities of their respective webinar platforms, the number of eyeballs viewing their presentations are declining.  And, whereas I could take this particular topic down several paths that may impact registration (informational content vs. sales pitch?, establishing a track record of impactful and effective speakers, increased webinar offerings, etc.), what I want to comment on here is securing access to a larger, yet targeted audience.

For many years, companies and associations have rented lists and co-promoted events with sister brands, and of late, they’ve ranged into social media like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter seeking more interested parties.  Yet counts for many are still lagging.  What can be the antidote for this epidemic of disinterest?

The answer lies in Parallel Audience Recruitment, or PAR.  PAR enables an organization to access a matching demographic, or adjacent audience, that they haven’t been able to reach on their own, and thereby drive up their webinar registration counts.  BTW, PAR does not involve purchase or rental of a list, though it DOES involve the PAR provider using its own email service platform to deliver the organization’s email creative.  The result is a very cost-effective means of driving up counts without need to own lists or manage mailings.

If you’d like to hear more, drop me a line back for more detail.