We believe that we, as a new millennium organization, need to stand for something beyond simple commercial endeavor. We’re still defining exactly what our involvement will be with the organizations we’ve discussed, but here’s a start …

WebAttract is a corporate sponsor of the 2011 California Coast Classic Arthritis Foundation Ride in which my co-principal, Mike Agron, will ride, along with several of our clients. It is an 8 day, 525 mile tour from San Francisco to Los Angeles that will take place between 9/17/11 and 9/24/11. We will be part of the The Friedman Group’s “MOTU Backyard Vineyards Bicycle Team” and, for now, you read more, and even “Come Ride With Us” @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Motu-Backyard-Vineyards-Bicycle-Team/174657169231892