Podcasts are a fantastic way to have visitors gain interest in your website, and to attract new traffic. It can take some time to build up an Audience. We will discuss some ways to keep your listeners checking to see if your newest edition came out yet.

 The first step is always to have high quality content. If your podcast provides helpful information in an entertaining format, your listeners will want to come back again and again. Interviewing experts, answering listener’s questions, and having a co-host help you present the information will help you keep the show lively and fresh. If you run out of ideas, ask your listeners to send in some suggestions for topics they want you to cover.

You might want to think about having a “teaser” to keep your listeners coming back. Think about TV shows and how they feature a clip from the next episode, often after the ending credits roll. This excerpt gives the Audience a “teaser” on what is coming; their curiosity will keep them coming back for the next episode.

Your own local radio stations probably hold several contests through the year, and you can apply those same things to your podcast. Try partnering with other website owners who are willing to donate prizes or help you promote the contest. Each week, at some point in the podcast, you could give out a “clue,” such as a word or phrase. The contest could go on for 4 episodes or so, and at the end of the contest, you could ask your listeners to send in an email with all 4 clues. The first three that submit correct entries could be the prize winners. 

The easiest way to get your listeners to come back, is to involve them in each new show. They will be more dedicated if you can somehow make them feel as if they are a part of the show. Many hosts will give listeners a phone number on which they can call in, or record a promo message. Your radio station may also use this tactic. They sometimes have their listeners record promos like “you’re listening to xxwwnn 104.7” or something similar. The listeners feel connected and feel as though they have a bit of fame being on the show. 

If you feel your podcast isn’t growing as fast as you would have liked, keep working on marketing it and developing quality content. Eventually, your hard work will pay off and you have a loyal Audience.

By: Theo McLanahan
Published: April 23, 2008