Run your next webinar anxiety free. Webinars are great for people to learn something new and it only takes you about an hour to give out great information. But, if you have not run a webinar before you might be a little afraid of what might happen. Below Robert Plank gives us some tips on how to avoid webinar presentation anxiety.

If you practice running your webinar presentation you will get rid of any fears you have and very easily know where the trouble spots and if you need to change parts of the presentation. You also should know what you’re talking about at least a little bit. If you don’t a lot about it, don’t present about it. It’s okay to say that you don’t know about a certain area because you are a specialized expert.

Here’s what I mean, let’s say you were presenting a webinar about dieting and a lot questions came in about exercise instead of dieting. It’s perfectly okay to tell people that today’s webinar is not about exercise, it’s about dieting and that is the subject that you are going to cover. You also don’t need to present your webinar at a fast rate.

And in fact, it’s better to present a tiny bit slower than you are used to, just because you are more focused more alert and have heighten awareness you will feel as though you are presenting too slow. But for many audience members, slower is better. It means that you are making sure they understand the concept, that they have time to take notes and that you are repeating or going back over points of issues that they didn’t understand or need additional clarification on. But above all, I know that your next webinar will be great. You’ll have fun doing it; you will help people and change lives. So go ahead and run that webinar today.

By Robert Plank
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