I’ve just been invited by New York Times Recognized Social Media Expert Kristina Jaramillo to become a guest expert on her B2B Marketing Insider’s Radio Show. So mark your calendars now for:  February 26, 2013 at 7pm EST

Listen to my sneak preview recording now where I reveal the mistakes most B2B organizations are making when it comes to hosting webinars.

As  I reveal on the sneak preview call linked above, I will be sharing insights on how to build your organization using webinars and social media marketing including:

• The role webinars and social media plays in forward thinking companies including leading global and emerging brands.

• How Mercer International won a 7-figure deal as a result of webinar marketing

• How the Friedman Group closed a $1 million deal with a major big box retailer as a result of the webinar

• What you need to do “BEFORE”. “DURING” and “AFTER” your webinar

• How you can get at least 20% of your webinar registrants from LinkedIn

• How to extend the life expectancy of your webinars using social media

Listen to my sneak preview  plus get the complete radio interview  details here:

I look forward to having you join me on this awesome 60 minute 100% content, no pitch whatsoever  interview!

“See you” on the radio!
Mike Agron