I find that a webinar is a constant balancing act where attention is required to be paid to the Business Drivers, Logistics, Human Factors and Technology.

  • The Business Drivers help you with your initial planning and act as a benchmark to see where you’re at before, during and after the webianr.  For example,  they assist you with being clear on your webinar objectives, target audience, success factors, audience call to action and strategy for nurturing sales leads, etc.
  • Logistics involve creation and updating of a work plan to identify key deliverables, due dates, persons responsible, as well as keeping the schedules and calendars of the entire production in check.
  • Human Factors include an array of items from motivating the webinar team to produce an outstanding webinar, coaching and brining out the best in your speakers and making sure the audience is inspired.
  • Technology covers everything from knowing the capabilities of your various platforms – from webianr hosting, email marketing/automation to choosing audio devices to optimize.  Also, technology must make sure your speakers connect with the audience so they can hear without distractions from echoes or poor choice of devices, such as speaker phones, etc.

What is your approach to balancing all of the moving parts?

Here’s to your webinar success!
