Have you ever wanted to track the unique source of how someone got to register for your webinar?  That is, was it from an email marketing campaign Drip, website, social media, or from an email sent by a sales rep?

Up until now, unless you were using a marketing automation tool that integrated with your webinar hosting platform, it was near impossible to do.  Of course you could put the burden back on the potential registrant and ask them to fill out a drop down of how they heard about the webinar, but now there’s a better way.

We use several different webinar hosting platforms, and last weekend, we were migrated to the new GoToWebinar Global platform.  After logging in, I was excited to discover a very new cool enhancement called “registration source tracking”.  This feature will allow us with precision, to determine how someone registered for our webinars.

Here’s 4 easy steps to immediately start using this capability:

1. In GTW, go to share your webinar, then copy the registration link URL and paste it into a Word doc:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6453369457154637570

2. Add: ? and source: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6453369457154637570?source=WebAttractEmail  (Note: you have to add the ? after the last digit and the word source is case sensitive)

3. Test, Test, Test

4. Run the GTW Registration Report, and you’ll notice a new column has been added called Source.  All you have to do is sort by source or create a Pivot Table to slide and dice the data, and you’ll now know how the source this webinar registrant used.

Gathering and mining webinar registration/attendee intelligence just got a whole lot easier and predictable, especially if you are using GTW Global or are being migrated.

What methods do you use to track how your webinar registrants got to your landing page?

Have a great Thanksgiving and here’s to your webinar success!
