A wise man once told me “Your time belongs to you. You and only you decide how to use it best.  Choose wisely.”

With only so many hours in the day, it’s often difficult to find time to accomplish everything you’d like. Every day I receive emails about different webinars I’d love to attend and eagerly register anticipating how much I’m going to learn about the topic at hand. Then comes the day of the webinar, and all of a sudden I’ve got meetings all morning and a deadline for a project at the end of the day. I am not going to make that webinar.

It’s not that I don’t want to attend, and if you made it easy for me to watch it while I was lounging on my couch with my laptop, then it would be a no brainer. That is why it is important to record your webinars and make them available after that live event takes place. Below, I will walk through the steps it takes to record a webinar using Camtasia, so that you can allow registrants to view it at their leisure.  

First, you need to have two computers–one to actually present the webinar on and one to view the webinar as an attendee and record.

How to Record a Webinar

1. Start up Camtasia and open up the webinar viewing screen that you would like to record on the non-presenting computer.

2. Under “Select area” choose Custom and reshape the box so that it only captures the section of the screen the webinar is taking up.

3. Under “Recorded inputs” click the down arrow next to the “Audio on” button and select “Rec. Playback.” This will record the audio coming from your computer instead of the audio coming into your computer microphone.  

4. When you are ready to start the webinar, hit record!

That’s it! When you finish recording the webinar, you can save it and upload it to your favorite video sharing platform. You can then share the link with your registrants, so they can view your webinar whenever they please! 

Do you record your webinars?

By Eric Vreeland
Read more: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/9990/How-to-Record-a-Webinar.aspx#ixzz1FSENBMRK