Planning is a very important part of putting together an effective webinar. Planning goes a lot easier if you are organized during the planning process.  The following offers some simple steps to get you through webinar planning and onto the actual creation.

Have a Goal

The first step in planning your webinar is to define what you main goal is.  Keep it simple and to the point.  For example, if this webinar is a conference to teach employees how to use the new email system then your goal is, simply, to teach how to use the new email system.  Your goal is the basis for the whole webinar, so make sure you are clear on what it is.

Choose the Right Time

Everyone has a busy schedule, but if your webinar is important then people will be willing to move their schedule a bit to fit it in.  however, do not make it too difficult for people to attend.  You really should figure out a general good time when most of the people who are going to attend will be able to attend.  Bad timing can lead to bad webinar attendance, so plan this out carefully.  You may need to do some research, unless you are the boss and then you can simply tell everyone they will attend. 

Get the Word Out 

If you are going to spend all this time planning a webinar then you have to make sure people know about it.  The last thing you want is to create this great webinar and have nobody show up for it.  Make sure you get the word out and let people know what your webinar is about and when to attend.

Think of Ways to Engage the Audience

Your webinar may be about sharing information, but you want to make it interesting.  Use multi media tools to help you make the webinar interesting and engaging.  You want the audience to feel involved and feel like they are getting something useful from the whole experience. Consider using interactive features, like polls or interactive chats.  These help to keep your audience interested and paying attention to what is happening.  Plus, it keeps you on track and ensures you are getting your point across. 

Practice Makes Perfect

Once you get all the details down and have your webinar prepared you have to practice.  The first time you go through it should not be in front of a live audience.  Run it past someone you trust first.  This will help you catch things that may not work or to expand on things that require a little more information.  Practice allows you to go over things and ensure they are working.When you prepare for a webinar it makes the whole process much easier.  Being organized, having goals will help you to set up a winning webinar.  Avoid trying to rush past the planning phase because you will regret it later.  Proper planning is key to a webinar that really works for the goal you are trying to reach.

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