Know Your Webinar Audience
If you know your audience you will be able to answer the first question they will ask themselves: What’s in it for me? If it is worth their while, they will spend time attending. Pick a topic that really speaks to what the audience needs to hear. Make it educational, something that answers a problem they face. You’ll grab their attention and they will come. Don’t make it an infomercial.

Determine Your Webinar Goals
Do you want 100 new leads? Do you want to educate the market place? Do you want visibility? Lead generation is all about adding suspects to the qualified prospect pool. The nice thing about webinars in your area of expertise is that people interested in them are probably also interested in your solutions. Attendees are self-qualifying in this way. When your topic is aligned with what your audience wants to hear about and your webinar goals you have a winning combination.

Get an Expert Speaker for Your Webinar
Choose a recognized expert, a respected peer, an author. Choose a person who has solved the problem being presented. The more your speaker is recognized the better your attendance. Ideally it would be someone outside of your organization. They will be perceived as less biased and more credible

Run a Webinar Series
It is better to have a webinar series rather than trying to hit a home run with just one big event. They offer your audience choices. Part of your audience may be vacationing, traveling or ill on any particular day. A series of content-focused webinars will pull more and better qualified leads over the long run. Multiple events provide more visibility over time.

Consider Time Zones
Think about your audience and check the calendar. Are there any trade shows that may conflict or end-of-the-month quotas? Consider time zones. If the audience is coast to coast a good time is 1pm eastern. Then pick a date and time.

Promote the Webinar
Start promoting 15 days ahead and plan on an email reminder 2 days and 2 hours before the webinar. After registration send a “Thanks for Registering” email. Include a vCal file that can be directly imported into an Outlook calendar. Unless you send reminders 2/3 of registrants won’t show up for the event.

Market the Webinar
Have sales call clients and prospects. A personal invitation is usually appreciated and remembered. It’s an easy call to make, and may lead to immediate business. Your existing customers already know the value of your company and are very likely to attend the Webinar. It is often easier for prospects to register for a Webinar than a sales pitch. Include promotion for your webinar series in your other marketing areas: Blogs, Emails, Newsletters, Website, Search Engine Ads. At trade shows have fact sheets and webinar information available. Mention the helpful free webinar series. Talking about the webinar is a great way to break the ice.

Get Feedback
Webinars are interactive, get immediate feedback and more qualifying information at the end of the webinar by launching a survey or poll. Ask input about future improvement regarding webinars. Get their insights and level of interest in the topic and your solution.

Follow-Up after the Webinar
Implement your sales plan. Send each attendee a “Thank-You” email with a link to the recorded webinar. It’s polite and may generate questions and referrals. Send non-attendees a “Sorry we missed You” email with the same link. Have sales contact prospects interested in your solution.

Record the Webinar
Record the webinar and make it available on your website or blog. This is permanent visibility for the webinar. It will be picked up by Google, Yahoo and MSN which will extend the reach of the webinar. With a good topic you can expect a tenfold increase in the number of viewers in very short order. Use a strong call to action to have these prospects communicate with you.

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