Podcasts are a great way to develop traffic, impart information and build your credibility as an expert. But, like any repeating product, they are time consuming and difficult to keep producing. Not only because your motivation will ebb and flow but also because what you can say about any one subject is limited. So finding a topic to talk about for 15 minutes or so — each and every week — can be a daunting task.

How do you keep ahead and keep going? In this article Glen Ford gives you six tips that will help you to keep ahead and keep producing podcasts.

1. Create your podcasts as a series.

It’s always easier to create four or five podcasts (i.e. one hour) than it is to create a single podcast. It sounds silly but it’s true. Creating one big piece is easier than many smaller pieces. And finding one idea that you can split into several is always easier than finding four or five separate ideas.

2. Create your podcasts as a group.

Getting two hours free once a month is easier than getting thirty minutes free every week. It sounds silly but it’s true. The fact that you are under pressure to meet a deadline has two opposite effects. First it gives you the impetus to do the work — which is good. But it also applies stress which makes it more difficult to do creative work. It’s always easier to write, record and produce four podcasts in one go than it is to create four separate podcasts. So try to do your podcasts in a batch.

3. Keep an ideas book with you at all times.

Ideas come to you all the time. But most of them get lost in the ether. Why? Because they aren’t relevant to you at the time they occur. How often do you remember your dreams? How often have you walked from one room to another and forgotten why you came into the room? Don’t trust your memory… write it down.

4. Don’t over deliver on each podcast.

You wouldn’t expect a radio to give their personalities an unlimited time on the radio would you? Well you don’t have an unlimited time in a podcast either. When you script your podcast you only have time for a set number of points. Don’t try to squeeze more points in. Better to do two podcasts than one with extra points.

5. Take a break once in a while

No one can deliver creativity on a constant basis. Neither can anyone work all the time. You need to take a break if only to recharge your batteries. Doing batches of podcasts helps give you product to run during your break time.

6. Develop the ideas while you are waiting

When was the last time you got in to see the doctor without waiting? When was the last time you took your spouse shopping and waited while they shopped? We all have periods where we are just sitting waiting for someone else to do their thing. Use that time to outline your scripts. Use that time to develop one idea into topics for a dozen podcasts.

About the Author: Glen Ford is an accomplished consultant, trainer and writer. He has far too many years’ experience as a trainer and facilitator to willingly admit. Do you want to read more free information like this? Go to my blog: http://www.learningcreators.com/blog/ Do you want to learn how to create information products (learning content)? Check out my new free eBook “7 Myths and Seven Tricks in Nine Steps”: http://www.learningcreators.com/myths.htm
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?6-Podcast-Tips-to-Keep-You-Ahead&id=5345624