Applying Series Success Strategies to Online Training

Many in online training want to know, “How can we create a winning online training series?” Asked another way, “What are the key lessons that those in online training can apply to their own series?”

Above all, an online training series may start with different objectives from a marketing series. These objectives can include certification or helping ensure employees or groups are trained on issues important to a professional designation or a company.

But virtually all of the tips contained in this eGuide will apply to online training events. For example, those who are doing HR or “required training” to employees or professional groups will want to also focus on promoting the benefits of attending events and be able to deliver on those benefits so they can achieve their training objectives. Also, any producer of online training will want to ensure that each of their events provides quality content and is well-run. A single bad event can harm your reputation and hurt attendance and attention at your future
events. Each series of online training events can take many of the lessons shared here and apply them to the unique training situation.

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