One of the best ways to generate ideas for new podcast content is to be a content consumer. The more information you consume regarding your podcast topic the better prepared you will be to create new and exciting material for your podcast. Bryan Curry gives you 3 Ways guaranteed to help you generate new podcast content on a consistent basis.

1. Read Other Blogs

Find your niche’s community and dive in. There are other people out there who are interested in the same topics as you, find them. Many of them will have a blog or website dedicated to the topic that you are podcasting about. Make it a point to visit their site frequently and read on what others in the community are talking about. Don’t just stop with the blog posts themselves but read through the comments as well. Reading through the comments of a blog post is a great way to identify questions that the readers have about the topic that you can address in your podcast.

2. Listen to Other Podcasts

Listening to other podcasts offers to huge benefits. The first benefit falls right in line with reading other blogs. Listening to other podcasts is a great source for topic ideas but remember you always want to use another podcast as an inspiration for your own work, not simply to repeat what another podcast has already said. The second benefit of listening to other podcasts is finding new segments for your own podcast. Each podcast host has different ideas on the structure and content elements of their podcast. You might pick up some great ideas for new podcast segments related to news, listener feedback, events, etc. Many of these might prove to be a great addition to the structure of your podcast episodes.

You don’t have to subscribe to all of these podcasts, just check in from time to time and catch an episode or two to see what you can gleam from them. After listening to a few episodes of the podcast, ask yourself, do I want to subscribe to this podcast? If you do, think about why. What was it about the podcast that appealed to you? What did you find unique or more interesting than the others. Was it the host? What was it about him/her that connected with you and how can you incorporate that into your podcast. Was it the structure? Use that too. If you didn’t like the podcast, that can be equally as helpful. Think about what you didn’t like about the podcast and try to make sure that you don’t have those same problems with your content.

3. Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a great tool to get daily updates on the news about your particular topic. Spend some time identifying the keywords related to your podcast topic and then create Google Alerts that will notify you of news and sites posting content related to those keywords. You can setup the notifications to come at whatever frequency you decide straight to your email inbox. This is a great way to keep up to date on the latest news and trends in your topic and also find resources, either sites or blogs, that you might not have even known existed.

About the Author: Bryan Curry is a writer for is a ‘How To’ site for podcasting. Creating a podcast, designing a website, making money podcasting, everything you need to know completely free. is a collection of free information on how to podcast.
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