Every effective Webinar has some simple steps towards making it successful. To start, you need a good topic and some interesting content that is valuable to your prospects. Both of these things are important, but there are a few other things you need to do.  Below are 11 simple steps to follow on your path to webinar success.

1. Set the goals of your webinar whether they are educating clients, showcasing a product, or generating sales leads.

2. Clearly define the topic of your webinar so you can get the right people to attend.

3. Choose the appropriate webinar technology. Look over our webinar reviews to determine which webinar solution is right for you. Make sure it can run on the appropriate operating system and can scale to the correct number of attendees and has polling, chat, and recording features. Also make sure it supports the appropriate audio abilities like teleconference and audio streaming.

4. Determine your speaker and make sure you have a support team to help you during the webinar. You can do everything alone but usually you want to have help so that things go well. You want a support person to help with any technical issues experienced by participants, a speaker who is credible for the topic being talked about and has good speaking skills, and a moderator which keeps the flow and feel of the event running smoothly. Moderators will keep the speaker at ease and helps them stay focused on the presentation.

5. Find a time of the webinar that is appropriate for all your participants so that you can increase the audience as much as possible.

6. Develop a quick convenient and effective registration process that follows up with those that registered for your event. You want it to be very simple so that you get as many sign ups as possible.

7. Promote your event both online and offline as much as possible and make sure to send confirmation emails as soon as possible after registration. Do not forget to send reminder emails as well.

8. Practice your webinar so that your speaker and the content being talked about will flow correctly. You want everything to look and feel professional the make your participants as happy as possible that they attended your event.

9. When actually having your webinar make sure you join early, interact with the audience, and emphasize the main points of the webinar. The more professional and complete your webinar the better that things will go and the happier your participants will be.

10. After the presentation make sure you collect as much feedback as possible so that you can understand what went well and what needs improvement. The sooner you can correct mistakes the better your next presentation will be.

11. Archive the webinar for future playback and use the recording to extend the reach of your event and audience even more so.

Read More: http://www.webinarsmart.com/articles/11-simple-steps-to-an-effective-webinar.php